Once you decide to divorce you need to prepare yourself for many more difficult decisions. For example how you handle the divorce, how you divide your property and how you split time with your children (if you have any).
Getting such decisions right will be important for setting yourself up for a better future. Getting them wrong could lead to increased expense, conflict, disappointment and financial troubles.
Divorce can bring a lot of stress and take up a lot of your headspace, hence it’s easy to find yourself in a position where you are not in the best frame of mind to make those important decisions. That is why taking some time for self-care is crucial. Here are a few things you could do:
Ask others for help
Maybe you could ask your parents to take the children for the weekend so you can sleep in late or just have some me-time. Perhaps you could ask a friend to pick the kids up from school for the next few weeks when they pick their child up – freeing a little bit more time in your day and removing one obligation from your schedule.
Exercise or get some fresh air
Exercise has been shown to help improve mood and focus. Getting out in nature can do the same. Even just a gentle walk each day could work wonders.
Reduce your non-essential commitments
Maybe this is the year to let someone else step up and volunteer their time on the school committee or children’s sports team. You don’t want to spread yourself so thinly and right now your divorce is your priority.
While these can all help, perhaps none is as important as finding a knowledgeable and supportive legal representative who can guide you through the divorce process and help you understand your options.