Telling your children about your divorce is likely going to be one of the most difficult conversations you need to have. While some children might take it in stride, others will become understandably upset. As is the case with everything else related to the children,...
Legal Care For You
And Your Family
Month: March 2022
What happens to the family dog when you divorce in Florida?
Divorce affects every member of a family. Divorcing spouses often experience intense emotional responses and stress levels, while children may struggle with the changes to their family dynamic. Everyone has to get used to new living arrangements, budgets and...
Don’t let these errors jeopardize your custody rights
Custody issues are generally among the most contentious during divorce proceedings. Stress and emotions can run high, which can obstruct a person’s ability to make reasoned decisions. While both parents and the court should have the best interests of the child in...
Can you and your ex co-parent the children?
Ending a romantic relationship with your child’s other parent doesn’t mean that you never have to speak to your ex again. Instead, this is the start of a transition to a parenting relationship. You and your ex will have to figure out how to make this work. There are...