For many separated and divorced parents, custody exchanges of their children can be highly unpleasant and even contentious. If this is the only time they see each other, tensions can flare, and they can end up in an argument. Sometimes, these exchanges can even turn...
Legal Care For You
And Your Family
Parenting Plans
Parenting plan flexibility when emergencies arise
Creating a solid parenting plan can help co-parents and their children alike better understand what to expect from their family dynamics moving forward. However, life can be unpredictable, and emergencies – such as family crises or natural disasters like hurricanes –...
What is a co-parenting right of first refusal?
Depending on a family’s unique needs and priorities, the concept of "right of first refusal" can play an important role in fostering a healthy co-parenting relationship. This legal provision, often included in parenting plans or custody agreements, says that one...
Co-parenting a child who participates in extracurricular activities
Managing a child's extracurricular activities can be challenging while co-parenting. It requires a well-coordinated effort to ensure that the child benefits fully from these activities without unnecessary stress on either parent. Co-parents who can navigate the...
Is mediation required in Florida divorces?
Divorce is a challenging and emotional process, and each state has its own set of rules to guide couples through the legal intricacies. In the state of Florida, mediation is a significant aspect of the divorce process, but the requirements for mediation vary depending...
Tips for co-parenting a baby or young toddler
Co-parenting with an ex is never an easy undertaking. Every family’s unique circumstances and every child’s unique needs must be carefully considered when constructing a parenting plan to better ensure that it is both workable for all and reflects a child’s best...
How to balance your work-home life as a divorced single parent
Life as a parent is a juggling act. As a working parent, there’s a lot that’s expected of you. Much of your time is likely spent trying to balance time with your children, cooking, cleaning and work. As a single parent after divorce, balancing your work-life may seem...
3 signs it’s time to pursue a Florida custody modification
Parents either negotiate with each other to settle time-sharing concerns and other parenting matters or they rely on a family law judge to put together a viable custody order for their family. Once there is an order on record, parents are required to follow the...
Why co-parents should consider a virtual visitation arrangement
Virtual visitation, also known as electronic visitation or e-visitation, refers to using technology to facilitate communication and interaction between co-parents and their children when they are physically separated. Incorporating virtual visitation into a formal...
Should you act like a rock when divorcing a combative co-parent?
As much as you may dread the thought, you must discuss and negotiate child-related matters when divorcing as a parent. If you cannot do so successfully, a Florida family court judge will decide these crucial matters instead. Creating your own time-sharing plan is...