Ever since you and your spouse got married, you've used a joint bank account. You both deposit all of your earnings into that account, and you pay things like your mortgage or the credit card bills out of that account. Recently, your spouse came to you and said that...
Legal Care For You
And Your Family
Month: February 2022
Supporting your children through divorce
Going through a divorce can be difficult for you and your children. Although divorce may be the best solution for you and your ex, it can take a long time for your children to accept and understand their new normal. Giving your children the support they need can seem...
Why might sharing custody work out better than you think?
Maybe you set your heart on getting sole custody of your children when you divorce. You would not be the first or the last parent to want that. Yet, if you investigate further, you may discover it is not the ideal scenario you think. First, it is not good for your...
Whom should you tell you are divorcing?
While divorce is a private matter, keeping it a secret might not only be impossible, but it also might not be a good idea. Here is why. Divorce is about two people, but it will affect others. Letting them know helps them to help you. Here are some people to consider...
How detailed should your parenting plan be?
An excellent parenting plan is crucial when working out how to share child custody after a divorce. Making one may be easier for some people than others. Think about how you typically approach a new project. Do you like to lay everything out in minute detail, or are...
What does equitable distribution mean for your credit cards?
Spouses have to divide their property and debts when they divorce. Either they negotiate with one another or they will go to court and have a judge make decisions on these matters. Whether you attempt to negotiate your own settlement or intend to litigate and have a...
What happens to property when divorcing in Florida?
You undoubtedly know that you will need to divide your property in a Florida divorce. But do you understand what property you must split and how you must do it? If you wanted to leave everything to your spouse, or they wanted to leave you with everything, no one will...
Do you need to agree on rules for the kids after divorce?
“It’s so unfair. Mom lets me do it when I’m at her house.” This is something many divorced parents hear from their kids. Whether it is true or not is a different matter. Playing your parents off against each other is a valid tactic to get what you want when you are a...