Couples negotiating terms for a Florida divorce often find themselves disagreeing on many different issues. Those with children may fight about custody arrangements, but not every household includes minor children. Those without children or whose children are over the...
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Is mediation required in Florida divorces?
Divorce is a challenging and emotional process, and each state has its own set of rules to guide couples through the legal intricacies. In the state of Florida, mediation is a significant aspect of the divorce process, but the requirements for mediation vary depending...
How to protect your assets in a marriage
People often fear that their marriage could lead to a divorce. It can happen to people who have just proposed or been proposed to and worry about the future. It can happen to people who are currently married and have a sudden relationship scare. And, it can happen to...
How to handle hidden assets in a Florida divorce
Handling hidden assets in a Florida divorce can be complex and sensitive. Hidden assets refer to any property, income or financial accounts that one spouse intentionally conceals or fails to disclose during divorce proceedings. Uncovering these hidden assets is...
Dealing with cryptocurrency in your divorce
Tens of millions of Americans now have cryptocurrency investments. But what happens to these intangible assets in a Florida divorce? Cryptocurrency assets are not as untraceable as people once surmised. Granted, the process of identifying and evaluating crypto assets...
What will happen to your house in your Florida divorce?
One of the biggest challenges in any divorce is the often contentious process of dividing your belongings with your ex. Many couples have a hard time agreeing on what a fair division of their property would look like. The most valuable assets in your marital estate,...
Can divorce impact your credit?
Everyone knows that divorce can impact just about every area of your life. What they may not realize is that even your credit report may take a hit in the divorce. One thing that people don’t usually know is that a divorce is a civil matter. Creditors aren’t a party...
What happens if your ex tries to hide property in your divorce?
Although there is a lot of bad information shared about divorce, there is one thing that people say that is absolutely true. You cannot judge what your spouse will do in a divorce based on how they behaved in your marriage. Even someone who treated you with respect...