You may have married with expectations of a better life only to find it wasn’t all that people make it up to be. You and your spouse may constantly argue, never agree on anything or simply fell out of love. You may consider divorce as your next best option to...
Legal Care For You
And Your Family
Month: May 2022
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What happens if your ex tries to hide property in your divorce?
Although there is a lot of bad information shared about divorce, there is one thing that people say that is absolutely true. You cannot judge what your spouse will do in a divorce based on how they behaved in your marriage. Even someone who treated you with respect...
Parenting time cancelations can negatively affect your kids
Time-sharing arrangements in Florida can be difficult for divorced parents to manage. The obligation to exchange custody with your ex can make even a boring Tuesday afternoon a stressful experience. Little things can pop up that can completely derail your prearranged...