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Photo of Kelly A. Rodenas

Could your parenting plan accommodate bird’s nest parenting?

On Behalf of | Jan 18, 2023 | Parenting Plans

As hard as divorce is on adults, it is usually the kids who suffer the most. Divorce brings lots of uncertainties and typically unwelcome changes into their lives. However, some changes are unfortunately inevitable, given the circumstances.

Since parents should (and the Florida family law courts must) keep the children’s best interests foremost in their decisions, you might need to get creative when devising your custody arrangements. Below is one possible option that best meets some families’ complex custodial needs. 

Bird’s nest parenting – what it is and how it works

If you are unfamiliar with the term, bird’s nest parenting refers to the way both parents of baby birds move in and out of the nest to take care of their young nestlings. In that same way, it’s the adults who rotate in and out of the family home while exercising their parenting time with the kids.

What are the pros?

It’s the least disruptive to the children, who remain secure in their same neighborhoods, schools, homes and rooms. While that arrangement can work with all children, it’s particularly useful when determining custody of children with disabilities.

Kids on the autism spectrum struggle with integrating changes into their daily routines. Physically disabled children often require expensive mobility and other medical equipment that health insurance providers aren’t likely to cover twice.

What are the cons?

It requires a level of civility and cooperation many couples aren’t initially able to meet (if they ever do). It can also be expensive because unless the couple agrees to also share a home or apartment separately on their time without the kids, they will be supporting three households.

It also gets tricky if or when one co-parent gets involved with another partner. Obviously, it is not the best choice for every Florida parenting plan. Exploring all your options can help you find the strategy that best suits your family.