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Photo of Kelly A. Rodenas

2 tips to ease the stress on transition days

On Behalf of | Sep 23, 2024 | Divorce

Transition days, which are the ones when the child switches from one parent’s home to the other parent’s home, can be stressful. A lot of emotions can seep through on those days. They may feel upset about having to leave one parent but happy to get to spend time with the other.

It’s up to the parents to ensure the child is as calm as possible. There are several things they can do to help children through transition days.

Give the child time to adjust

The parent who currently has the child can give them a countdown of when the transition will occur. Older kids may be able to use a calendar to do this, but younger children may need help with it. The car ride to the transition and the time after the child switches parents should be a time without much stimulation or drama.

Keep the meeting calm

Transition time should be calm. This isn’t an appropriate time to discuss anything that might lead to a disagreement. Using transition time to focus on the children and their needs. Consider contacting your ex after the transition to set up a time to speak if there are matters that must be discussed.

Having the guidelines for raising the children written out clearly in the parenting plan can help both adults to understand their responsibilities. It’s best to get the parenting time schedule and all other terms set as early as possible so everyone can adjust to the new way of life.