Most of the time, couples choose to raise a child together because – regardless of whether they are married or unmarried – they trust, respect and admire one another. However, unfortunately, many individuals ultimately discover that their romantic partner has faults and limitations that warrant an end to the romantic aspect of the couple’s relationship.
If a romantic split occurs when a former couple’s child is still a minor, the relationship will generally shift to a co-parenting arrangement. Most of the time, co-parents are able to manage their circumstances relatively gracefully. But, sometimes, it turns out that one’s co-parent is – quite simply – just not easy to handle.
Focus, coping and self-care
If you resonate with that last sentence, you are probably navigating some pretty challenging circumstances as far as your co-parent is concerned. Whether they suffer from an unmanaged narcissistic personality disorder or an active substance abuse problem (or they’re just straight-up unreasonable), your co-parent may be driving you crazy on a regular basis.
If this is the case, it’s time to review how you’re managing. Are you able to focus on your child’s best interests or is your co-parent getting in the way? If your co-parent is driving you batty but is a good parent to your child, the court may not be inclined to adjust your custody or parenting plan arrangements – yet. But, you should start keeping records of any violations of your arrangement in case your situation escalates.
If your co-parent is getting in the way of facilitating your child’s best interests, it may benefit you to explore your legal options. You’ll additionally want to make sure that you prioritize self-care so that you can remain strong for yourself and your child alike in the wake of what you’re facing.