One of the biggest challenges in any divorce is the often contentious process of dividing your belongings with your ex. Many couples have a hard time agreeing on what a fair division of their property would look like. The most valuable assets in your marital estate,...
Legal Care For You
And Your Family
Year: 2022
A calm divorce can lead to peaceful co-parenting
Going through a divorce when you have children means that each decision you make can impact the kids. You and your spouse can help to set a calm tone for the co-parenting relationship by remaining peaceful during the divorce. It might not be easy to remain amicable...
Dealing with an ex who refuses to talk to you
It’s almost unheard of for a divorce to go through without even a minor hiccup. Sadly, in some cases, issues become much deeper than this. Your spouse may be struggling with the reality that the relationship is over, which could lead to them shutting down. This is far...
Is one kind of parenting plan better than another?
When you and your spouse sit down to talk about how you’re going to raise your children after your divorce, one of the topics should surround punishments. What will you do if your child is acting up? What will you do if they get bad grades? Depending on your parenting...
Can divorce impact your credit?
Everyone knows that divorce can impact just about every area of your life. What they may not realize is that even your credit report may take a hit in the divorce. One thing that people don’t usually know is that a divorce is a civil matter. Creditors aren’t a party...
Can you move with your children after divorce?
You got divorced last year, and the court split custody between you and your ex. The two of you still live in the same town, although you have your own apartments now, so trading the kids back and forth is fairly simple. However, the only reason that you moved to this...
Could a lack of arguments lead to divorce?
If someone is always arguing with their spouse, it is easy for outsiders to assume that they may be moving closer to a divorce. It just seems like they disagree about everything and the relationship is dysfunctional. Friends and family members assume that it has to...
Here is how debt division works in a Florida divorce
You should be concerned about how much debt you will be left dealing with after your divorce. If you have too much debt, you may struggle financially after divorce. In Florida, debt accrued during the marriage is considered part of the marital estate. Division is done...
Is a paternity test accurate?
A former partner comes to you and gives you a surprise: They have a child and they claim that it is yours. They want you to pay child support. You didn’t even know they had a child, so you’re naturally a bit wary. Yes, the two of you were together in the past, but...
What rights do you gain after establishing paternity in Florida?
More dads than ever want to play a meaningful role in the care and upbringing of their children. When married to the mother at the time of birth, dads are presumed to be the father and automatically acquire parental rights. Unfortunately, establishing and protecting...