One of the biggest questions couples have when they divorce is how assets are divided. Both spouses may want to keep specific assets, such as the house, vehicle, pet or valuable collection. During the divorce process, there may be lengthy sessions to decide who gets...
Legal Care For You
And Your Family
Year: 2024
Does your personality affect your divorce risk?
Have you ever heard someone say that a person is not the marrying type or that they always thought a particular marriage would end badly? It turns out there may be something to this. Dr. Helen Fisher, PhD, who is a biological anthropologist has a theory. She explains...
2 financial issues to watch for during divorce
As you and your spouse go through a divorce, you’ll need to divide the property you own. You may keep separate property, such as money or items that you owned before the marriage, but you must divide marital property that you both have a right to. Ideally, both you...
Keeping the house in divorce may mean refinancing
If you and your spouse own your home together, it’s considered a marital asset. If you get divorced, you both have a claim to it, so it goes through the property division process. In many cases, couples simply sell the house and then split the proceeds from the sale....
New state law increases protections of “safe exchange” locations
For many separated and divorced parents, custody exchanges of their children can be highly unpleasant and even contentious. If this is the only time they see each other, tensions can flare, and they can end up in an argument. Sometimes, these exchanges can even turn...
How long do you have to wait for a tenant to pay rent?
In Florida, tenants and landlords must adhere to the terms outlined in their lease agreements. Landlords have specific rights and obligations under Florida law if a tenant fails to pay rent on time. Here’s a breakdown of the timeline and legal process landlords must...
Parenting plan flexibility when emergencies arise
Creating a solid parenting plan can help co-parents and their children alike better understand what to expect from their family dynamics moving forward. However, life can be unpredictable, and emergencies – such as family crises or natural disasters like hurricanes –...
2 tips to ease the stress on transition days
Transition days, which are the ones when the child switches from one parent’s home to the other parent’s home, can be stressful. A lot of emotions can seep through on those days. They may feel upset about having to leave one parent but happy to get to spend time with...
Tips for taking care of yourself when divorcing
Once you decide to divorce you need to prepare yourself for many more difficult decisions. For example how you handle the divorce, how you divide your property and how you split time with your children (if you have any). Getting such decisions right will be important...
What’s a constructive eviction? What can you do about it?
When you rent a property — whether it’s an apartment, a house or a commercial space, you have certain rights as a tenant. One of those rights is to live or operate your business in a habitable environment. So, what happens when your landlord fails to uphold the basics...